Friday, April 20, 2007

Rather sad

A couple of things have been happening over the last few weeks.

Daughter SAE had her tonsils out. She's 19. I took time off work to look after her, everyone from doctors, work collegues to friends told me that it was not going to be a good time for her....that it is quite painful as an adult to have this done.

Yep thats what I need a daughter who already is miserable when it comes to pain and has had 5 operations in her short life and is absolutely over having ops. She always vomits when coming out of the anesthetic that we were all worried about this due to it being her tonsils they would be removing and she would have a nice raw throat.

SAE got wheeled away and she looked so nervous and poor wee lamb :( She got wheeled back 2 hours later, doped up the gills with pain killers and drugs to stop her being ill. She just slept and slept. I went home. Back the next day to pick her up and take her back to my place to look after her for the next few days.

2 weeks it took for her to really come right. So much for the second week being a holiday...running round after her. Even our overnight stay in another town didnt work out when she had some bleeding from her throat. But when she tells me she is too old for me to be telling her to go to bed I knew it was time for her to go back to her flat as she was obviously up to looking after herself now.

And then something that is so wonderful and a joyous occassion made me rather sad. My wonderful older sister Chiefbiscuits son announced his wedding in 10 days time (last week that is). The wedding was yesterday. I looked at the logistics of going down but having just had two weeks off work and the cost of the trip to Dunedin costing more money than I care to disclose I made the call not to go. Then Friday morning arrived and I wished I was there. I almost just booked a ticket right then and there and bugger the cost...I would have liked to have been there.... but I look forward to October to the reception they have decided to have then.

Sigh....felt rather sentimental yesterday...I wonder if thats just age making you realise that sometimes you only get to see and do things only once and therefore you should go for it.

I have become far to sensible in my old age. It has to stop I say :)

Well the day is a wasting....we are off with camera's in hand to see what we can see :)

Then I have a webpage to start getting into again

Bye for now diary

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Moving on

I had another diary on another site. Somehow over the years I moved away from writing for me and writing instead for a virtual auidence instead. This was ok in the beginning I enjoyed entertaining.

But somewhere along the way it became a task! a chore! to have to write in my diary. I even had people asking me where I was and would I please write....well actually no...I cant be arsed! Ok that may be a little harsh...after all I had set the scene and encouraged it over the 4 odd years I had been writing.

It also became a chore! and task! to read their writings and comment on there entries....I had a small list of favourites compared to some others but these people seemed to live on the diary and write just about became something I felt obliged to do but something I didnt want to do. It got to the stage of either skim reading, picking up on one small thing they had written about making a comment or worse visiting their diary reading and just moving on.

I just didnt want to play that game anymore......however....being rather selfish as well.....when I did write I would be looking for their comments....getting pissed off if they hadn't read and left a comment but had managed to write an entry themselves. I guess I'm a bit two faced, want my cake and eat it too....all those things and more.

So I have moved on. I'm going to start writing here and nobody apart from my sister and my partner will know that I am here for now. I dont think it will take me long before I crave comments from others about what I have written but for now I can just write for me :)

Besides all that its going to take sometime to get used to this layout. Change is good but not being quick anymore is not! First thing is trying to get the profile page to how I like it?!?!?!?

Oh well till next time diary :)